I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS, or Mormon). I don’t know everything, I’m not perfect, but I believe that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, I can become so-though if I know me, and I sort of do, it will take quite a while. Until then, I think, I pray and I act in faith.

I don’t consider myself a scriptorian in any way. I just try to understand them myself, and seek the Spirit’s guidance. I’m not afraid to say, “I don’t know.” But I know that all knowledge comes from God, and He himself said that if we ask it shall be given us. Therefore, I try to learn all I can through the spirit.

Please feel free to comment on any of the posts, but please remember to use courtesy and respect, as should all who profess Jesus Christ as their Savior. If you’d like to see a topic discussed here, please include it in your comments and I’ll see what I can learn about it.

Monday, August 19, 2013

"Soul Mates" or "Solo Fate?"

I'm kind of sad when so many wonderful people are so unfortunately single. I know of a few who seem to be looking for 'their soulmate', and are turning down fantastic people left and right. For some reason, no matter how much they are told that soul mates are a myth, they can't give up on their quest to find that one person who fulfills them, who matches their chemistry, who creates some sort of internal spark that jumps from toes to head at the first sight of them.
I know that most of you are not seeking this dream, but the few who are, are holding up the marriage train for others. 
In truth, the only soul mates that ever existed were Adam and Eve. For the rest of us, "any righteous man and woman can and will have a successful and happy marriage if each lives the gospel of Jesus Christ." (Paraphrased from miracle of forgiveness)

So, who you should really be looking for is someone who is committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Who has a relationship with Him and loves and honors Him. Who's future is firmly rooted in the faith and hope of the atonement of Jesus Christ. Who desires not only to be married in the temple, but to have a temple marriage. And especially, one who is first and foremost, your best friend. "Romantic Love' comes and goes, but who would you rather face life's trials and triumphs with more than your best friend.
This is the type of person who obeys the commandments because they love the Lord, not because they're afraid of the consequences. Who selflessly serves, not just does service. For therein lie the Lord's two great commandments: Love the Lord and Love your neighbor as yourself.
And if such is the goal you have for a spouse, shouldn't you be that type of person yourself? 

The same goes for you who have "fallen out of love", or aren't compatible anymore, or just can't get along, or any other of the myriad of other excuses. What's really happening is one or both of you are not living the gospel.
If this is the case for you, go home and spend the next week in study, prayer, and pondering how you can better live the gospel. But focus solely on the changes you yourself need to make. You can't change your spouse, you can only change yourself. I promise you that if you both do so, you will fall back in love and be happy together again.
In truth, you can become your spouse's soul mate as you live the gospel, love God, and love your spouse. 

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