I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS, or Mormon). I don’t know everything, I’m not perfect, but I believe that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, I can become so-though if I know me, and I sort of do, it will take quite a while. Until then, I think, I pray and I act in faith.

I don’t consider myself a scriptorian in any way. I just try to understand them myself, and seek the Spirit’s guidance. I’m not afraid to say, “I don’t know.” But I know that all knowledge comes from God, and He himself said that if we ask it shall be given us. Therefore, I try to learn all I can through the spirit.

Please feel free to comment on any of the posts, but please remember to use courtesy and respect, as should all who profess Jesus Christ as their Savior. If you’d like to see a topic discussed here, please include it in your comments and I’ll see what I can learn about it.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Even Higher Law

I've always wondered at the fact that God gave Moses the 10 commandments, then Moses destroyed them , saying they were a higher law, and that the children of Israel needed a lower law, thus was born the Law of Moses. So you have a higher law, and a lower law.
Yet when Christ came, he offered the even higher law. "Moses said don't kill, I say he who calls his brother Raca is in danger of heckfire". So now we've got a lower law, a higher law, and an even higher law. And yet, it seems we still focus on the higher law (10 commandments) and base our lives on it.
For me, the even higher law gives the deeper meaning of many of the higher law commandments. Sure we aren't supposed to commit adultery, but the even higher law says we can't even think about it. Lets cut that sin out by the root.
And what about murder? The even higher law says we can't even get angry with our brother, or call him names. Guess you won't ever make it to murder if you don't even get angry with anyone.
So, what about some other things? What about swearing? Is it the words, or the mood you're in when you say them. Probably both. Most swear words are degrading, and hurtful. But you also almost always say them in anger or hate.
What other even higher laws can you see in the commandments we live?

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