I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS, or Mormon). I don’t know everything, I’m not perfect, but I believe that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, I can become so-though if I know me, and I sort of do, it will take quite a while. Until then, I think, I pray and I act in faith.

I don’t consider myself a scriptorian in any way. I just try to understand them myself, and seek the Spirit’s guidance. I’m not afraid to say, “I don’t know.” But I know that all knowledge comes from God, and He himself said that if we ask it shall be given us. Therefore, I try to learn all I can through the spirit.

Please feel free to comment on any of the posts, but please remember to use courtesy and respect, as should all who profess Jesus Christ as their Savior. If you’d like to see a topic discussed here, please include it in your comments and I’ll see what I can learn about it.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Gifts of the Spirit

Grace, meaning the Enabling Power of the Atonement, is the power by which we can overcome weakness, magnify our own abilities, gain strength and bless the lives of our fellow brothers and sisters. One of the ways Christ's Grace can bless our lives is through the Gifts of the Spirit. Simply put, the Gifts of the Spirit are attributes of God, given to man to help perfect him and assist in the work of salvation of souls. Every worthy person who has received the Gift of the Holy Ghost has received some gift of the Spirit, though sometimes it is hard to recognize them in ourselves. A good exercise is to pray to know what gifts you have.
Moroni taught us that we can and should also seek and pray for additional gifts for the purpose of being perfected through Christ (Moroni 7:48, 10:30,33). Since they are truly attributes of God and Christ, as we receive them we are literally changed through Christ and perfected in Him (Moroni 10:30-33).
​President George Q. Cannon exhorted the saints: “If any of us are imperfect, it is our duty to pray for the gift that would make us perfect. If I am an angry man, it is my duty to pray for charity, which suffereth long and is kind. So with all the gifts of the Gospel, they are intended for this purpose.” (in Ashton, Measure of our Hearts, 24-25) This is what the Lord meant when, in Ether 12:26-27, he tells us he can make weak things become strong through His Grace.
I have compiled a list of many different gifts found in the scriptures and words of living prophets. Elder McConkie said there are innumerable gifts, so this list is just a small sampling. A good exercise might be to study this list prayerfully, and seek what gifts you now have, and which ones you need to help overcome one of your weaknesses. Then as Moroni puts it, pray with all the energy of your soul that you will be given that gift (Moroni 7:48). I testify that your sincere, righteous desires will be answered. In many ways God is more willing to bless us than we are to be blessed.
  1. Wisdom
  2. Knowledge
  3. Diversity of Operations (know good from evil)
  4. Administration
  5. Discernment
  6. Tongues
  7. Interpretation of tongues
  8.  Miracles
  9. Faith to Heal
  10. Faith To be healed
  11. Prophecy
  12. To know Jesus is the Christ
  13. To believe on other's testimony
  14. Empathy
  15. tolerance
  16. patience
  17. vision
  18. ability to recognize how the spirit works through you
  19. faith
  20. hope
  21. problem solving (or counseling)
  22. wisdom
  23. to comfort
  24. to be comforted
  25. a forgiving heart
  26. peacemaker
  27. humility
  28. a selfless heart
  29. charity
  30. compassion
  31. an understanding heart
  32. the gift of listening
  33. seeing others' true worth
  34. speaking
  35. writing
  36. translating
  37. languages
  38. teaching
  39. expounding the scriptures
  40. bearing testimony
  41. service
  42. teaching
  43. Encouragement (encouraging others to do right)
  44. generosity
  45. leadership
  46. merciful heart
  47. cheerful countenance
  48. Gift of love
  49. Gift to love
  50. shunning evil
  51. deeply desiring to be involved with good
  52. kindness
  53. leading by a good example and honor
  54. skilled in business
  55. hard worker
  56. spirituality
  57. enjoying church and service in it
  58. hope and confidence which comes from living the gospel
  59. being in constant communication with God
  60. sharing
  61. being hospitable (welcoming)
  62. Pure motives (intentions

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

I Have Learned

Here are a few things that I have learned recently, and am still learning. Saying I have learned it doesn't necessarily mean I live it, that's a lifelong process. But for whatever it's worth, I have learned:
  • That all can change if they humble themselves and apply the transforming power of Grace.
  • That the best people have a heightened awareness of what little of the worst is still in them.
  • That the future is as bright as our faith.
  • That optimism and faith are eternal helpmeets. Hope is equally their offspring and their forbear.
  • That an helpmeet (the scriptural term Adam was given for a spouse), is one who helps you meet (meaning come to) God.
  • That children are an investment. The more time you invest, the more return you get.
  • That children do better when parents actually parent.
  • That work is a blessing.
  • That the reason we are obedient is just as important as our obedience. And that We are blessed more through obeying because of love and honor to God, than through blind obedience. More if we pay tithing with full purpose of heart, than grudgingly. More if we keep the word of Wisdom so we can be worthy of, and able to hear the spirit, than if we keep it solely for health reasons. 
  • That God loves us, regardless of our weaknesses and sins.
  • That to be temporally self-reliant means you depend on yourself, whereas being spiritually self-reliant means you depend on God.
  • That if you truly love someone, you have to do the hard things that will help them grow and learn. Think of God's purposes of chastising his children. The method is love, the purpose is change.
  • That ultimately, modesty is more about honoring God than safety. And that's true for the other commandments too.
  • That a bishop's job isn't to hand out advice and be the all-knowing source of answers, but to turn them to the Savior for counsel, advice and direction.
  • That when we're told we won't be given anything we can't handle, the "we" referred to is God and us. We're often given things we can't do alone. That's why we have Grace.
  • That none of us will ever be truly worthy of the blessings Heavenly Father gives us, but He loves us anyway and gives them to show His love.